Sunday, August 14, 2016

Spotlight on Tamara Passey — @tamarapassey #anwaconf16

I can't believe how quickly conference time is approaching! Have you registered yet? There are some amazing door prizes too. Be sure to take a look and check out the contest we'll be having to help the wonderful authors who have donated for us.

This week's spotlight is Tamara Passey. She will be teaching FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS PUBLISH JUNK. Be sure to check out her website. Enjoy!

What's your favorite thing to write?

I enjoy writing the same kind of stories that I like to read—ones that grab my interest and won’t let me go until I finish. Even though I like to outline and plot my scenes before I write them, I still have moments where the story will take a turn I didn’t expect and it spurs me on see what my characters will do and what will happen.

What was the book first and latest book you've read?

A recent memorable work of fiction I read was Peace like a River (Leif Enger). It left me wondering where I’ve been all my life that I hadn’t found it sooner. A book I read on writing was Write Your Novel from the Middle (James Scott Bell). And at the top of my “I-can’t-wait-to-read” list is The Truth about Fragile Things (Regina Sirois).

If you could travel back in time to when you began your writing career, what would be the advice you would give yourself?

The short list of advice I’d give myself would have to include to start sooner at thinking of my writing as legitimate. And to not doubt myself. I don’t know that I would have listened-but that’s what I would have told my younger self. And probably to start my index-card file of observations, quotes, and story lines and ideas much sooner.  

What would you tell any writer at any stage in their writing?

You’re an artist. No matter what you write, your creativity can bless countless lives if you take the time to learn your craft. Stay curious, stay humble. And while you are pursuing your own dreams, remember to take an interest in—and even care about—the dreams of those around you. The finish line is a happier place when we help each other cross it.

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